Tokyo JET Wikia

As a late arrival JET, I came at the peak of winter. From jet lag to adjusting, I wasn't thinking about how expensive my electricity bill could get in winter. Also, Japanese apartment walls don't seem to be as insulated as they are in the states. Here are some tips that have worked for me:

  • Disconnect any outlets not in use. (i.e: washing machine, heated toilet seat outlet, etc). Some heated toilets have an "eco-saver function," but if you really want to save money, unplugging it is best. 
  • Use insulating sheets to cover any windows. You won't have to use your heater as much (sheets can be found at Daiso).
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    There are other options that let some light in too.

  • Purchase insulating curtains! Stores like Nitori sell curtains for both the winter and summer seasons! 

    Look for the highlighted kanji for insulated curtains.

  • Remove bulbs you don't use as often in your apartment/ invest in LED lights. 
  • Wear thick socks, a fluffly onesie, and have pocket hand warmers! 

Stay warm my friends (good selection can be found at DonQuijote).
